Kilrush Services


What we do

The Brothers of Charity came to Kilrush in 1994 at the request of a group of parents, who wished for their family members to have access to a service nearer their home and local community. A service that began with one residential house, followed by a purpose built Training Centre (completed 1996) has grown to provide services to approximately sixty people, in a variety of locations.

At Kilrush we offer a range of community-based supports, both day and residential, to individuals and their families from Kilrush and the wider West Clare area. The supports provided are guided by our commitment to assist individuals to live full and valued lives as equal and respected citizens in their local communities.


Who is eligible?

Persons with an intellectual disability, referred and admitted to the services and funded by the HSE

What services do we provide?

A diverse range of housing options

Throughout Kilrush and its environs, a collaboration between Banner Housing, Clare Co Council, HSE and Brothers of Charity has enabled the availability of quality, affordable accommodation with security of tenure to those we support. As a result of this collaboration, many people now have their own homes. In these residences we provide safe, homely environments, where independence and choice are promoted. Residences are staffed by highly trained, experienced staff members, according to the needs of the individuals. We also facilitate flexibility of staffing to suit individual’s arrangements. We believe that supporting people in a manner where the needs of the individual are paramount affords people the opportunity to have a distinct identity and enables a more fulfilled, happy and meaningful life.

Respite services

People availing of day supports have access to our respite service. A respite break affords individuals an opportunity to stay in our respite house in Kilrush. During these breaks individuals are supported to attend social events of their choosing. Breaks away as well as social evenings are also facilitated by the respite team. An imaginative approach to the provision of respite has enabled individuals to enjoy trips abroad, attend concerts and events countrywide, as well as events in the local community.

Day services

Through our day services, individuals experience opportunity and support to engage in further education, training and leisure skills, as well as pursuing valued social roles, volunteer work and paid employment. In this way Individuals are empowered to acquire skills and competencies in their area of interest, supported by staff and volunteers in a manner that is person centred.

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Other services:

The Bookery
The Bookery is a bookshop located in Henry street, Kilrush. It was set up in January 2010 as a community-based initiative and is run by a team of individuals we support, together with some volunteers and staff members. It provides opportunities for developing the full range of skills required to run a small business and individuals are paid a dividend at year end. All the books sold have been kindly donated by members of the public.

See us on Facebook:


Woodwebs was established to support four men to run their own business, specialising in carpentry, wood craft and furniture upcycling. It operates out of a unit in Merchants Quay Business Quarter, overlooking Kilrush Marina.
Its customer base is the wider West Clare area. Woodwebs also operate a Market Stall in Kilrush Farmers Market, every Thursday, where they find a steady demand for their craft products.

See us on Facebook:

Project Me
Project Me is a four year Life Skills Training Programme, funded by the HSE and facilitated by The Brothers of Charity, in Kilrush. The programme is designed for school leavers but accepts learners of all ages. A strong emphasis is placed on providing weekly opportunities for each learner to experience activities and roles that genuinely suit their interests, skills and abilities.

The programme has both formal and informal learning modules. The formal learning modules are specified by the HSE as follows: Personal Care, Independent Living Skills, Community Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Leisure Skills, Work Skills, Numeracy/Literacy, Crafts, Personal presentation, Basic cookery skills, Safety in the community, Self – advocacy, Communications, Horticulture. The informal learning is all based on the individual and what they need and want.

At Project Me, the team work closely with parents and families to ensure optimal outcomes for the Learners.

How do we support community involvement?

Our community-based teams support individuals to explore opportunities for themselves in the community, such as voluntary work and work experience aligned to their interests and strengths.
On securing an opportunity, ongoing individual support is provided.

Pursuing such community involvement has proved very valuable in building self-esteem and confidence for many participants.


Kilkee Outreach Programme

We are committed to promoting and encouraging a visible presence and interaction with the local community, and aspire to achieve real inclusion, greater autonomy and participation in community life.

What do we provide?

Kilkee Project provides Day Services to a small number of individuals in a community based setting in the coastal town of Kilkee. We provide support in a number of areas, mainly facilitating access with individualised supports to mainstream educational and training courses, work experience, local volunteering, membership of community groups, and social and leisure activities.

When was the project established?

The Service was initially established in 2005 through a partnership initiative between local Community Development groups. the individuals and families being supported, and the Brothers of Charity Services in Clare.

Where are we located?

We are located in the Community Centre, Kilkee, and share premises with a number of other community services.

Community Involvement:

The Project actively encourages the involvement of volunteers and members from the local community, and considers their role as an invaluable resource towards establishing meaningful friendships and promoting social integration.

The members of the Project have a close working relationship with local Community Radio Station, Radio Corca Baiscinn, and are currently involved in the production of several radio projects, which include short documentaries, radio dramas, live broadcasts and various other shows.


The Kilkee Project was invited to make a presentation about its work at the 2006 Inclusion Europe Conference Europe in Action in Brussels (Belgium)

The Kilkee Project won the 2007 Inclusion Ireland National Advocacy Award for its contribution to promoting self-advocacy for people with intellectual disability in Ireland.

In 2019 the programme “What’s On”, which includes 4 individuals supported by the BOC won a Community Radio Achievement Award.

Contact Details:

Manager:Mary Coghlan, Community Manager
Phone: 087-6452990
