Our Journey
The Brothers of Charity Services is an international, voluntary religious organisation founded in Belgium in 1807, by Canon Peter Triest.
The Brothers of Charity opened their first services in Ireland in 1883 to provide for mental health needs.
In 1938 they started to develop services for people with an intellectual disability and their families. These services grew steadily over the years, so that today the Congregation is the largest provider of services for people with an intellectual disability in Ireland.
These Services are organised into six regions: South Eastern, Southern, Limerick, Clare, Galway and Roscommon.
The services in Clare for adults opened in 1983. The philosophy which influenced the establishment of this service was to support people with an intellectual disability from the Clare region in their home county. Previous to this time they had to move away from their home and community to another county to live away from their families in big institutions.
Over the years the services devolved to local towns and communities throughout Clare.