Let’s Get Started is a one year action learning project, led by Brothers of Charity Clare, funded by the Genio Trust.
The project aims to assist individuals with a disability to explore and plan a micro business or social enterprise in their local area, with family and community involvement.
The focus of the project is on:
– Individuals’ interests, gifts and talents
– Experiential and shared learning
– Supporting people to explore self-employment options and opportunities for income
– Working with families, services, community partners and project champions
– Establishing a network of business supports and mentors
– Encouraging and showcasing creative ideas for micro business and social enterprise across the county
The project is guided by an ethos of equality, inclusion, active participation and community partnerships. Our plan is to draw on community and business sector facilities and expertise, share resources and knowledge, engage with volunteers as mentors and natural supports, identify project champions, provide supports and training to participants and develop a sustainable support network.
The project has three distinct phases:
1. Research – Research on best practice in Ireland and internationally on business ideas, supports and sustainability [by Feb 2013].
2. Action Learning and Project Planning – Engage and support eight people with a disability in County Clare, looking at how the individual will plan and design their business or social enterprise with family and community supports.
3. Learning Materials and Resources – Develop and share materials based on the learning from Let’s Get Started and the individuals’ experiences of enterprise. Publish accessible guidance that will make it easier for others to set up a viable small business or enterprise.
Project funder, Genio Trust supports innovative projects that positively impact on the lives of people in Ireland who are marginalised in society.
The project is guided by a community based steering group including EmployAbility Clare, Obair Newmarket, Scariff Community Cooperative, Clare Volunteer Centre, Brothers of Charity Clare and advocates.
If you would like to get involved, or find out more about the project, contact:
Helen McQuillan, Project Leader, Let’s Get Started.
E: helenmcquillan@clare.brothersofcharity.ie